Recently I was chatting with a clinic owner in Ontario (before the christmas break) who’d hit his goal to have a $1 million clinic. His clinic revenue had been growing 20% a year for the past 3 years- then suddenly his revenue flat lined.
I asked him what had happened? Was it the economy?
Nope. He told me he’d made ONE bad hire that turned the clinic’s culture on its head. I realized he didn’t understand that there are 4 types of employees. Like 99% of clinic owners, he had hired the type of employee he thought he should hire, not the type he needed.
The wrong type of employee will lower the morale of all your staff and cause a downfall in productivity and less focus on the patient experience. That will repel patients from the clinic.
You definitely don’t want them at your front desk answering phones and greeting patients.
When hiring someone for your clinic, you have to understand what type of employee they are. There are only 4 types of employees. Understanding this principle will prevent costly hiring mistakes and give you the Midas touch for finding the right person for your position consistently.