Clinical Solutions Blog

10 Influential Books That Will Make You Millions

Written by Rick Lau | Jun 17, 2015 3:07:00 PM

Close your eyes and think about some of the most successful people you know. More than likely they are innovative, inspiring leaders, and they are RICH! You can be too if you choose a life of learning and failing. You don’t need an MBA from a top school to crush your competitors in your community. Instead follow inspiring thought leaders & disruptive companies to learn how you can apply this to your practice.
I am fortunate to be able to work with some very sharp physiotherapy and chiropractic business owners in my one on one coaching program, and we always spend time discussing what business books to read. Books have the power to change lives and your business. So skip business school and the $100K tuition, here are ten books that I often recommend to accelerate and automate your clinic.
1) E-Myth by Michael Gerber
You Will Learn: How to automate processes in your clinic. 
This essential book for any business owner will completely change your view on how to run and grow your business. Gerber teaches you to work on your business NOT in it.
2) Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish
You Will Learn: How to scale your clinic and team with practical steps.
If you have a burning desire to grow your clinic, and you don’t know where to start, this is a MUST READ. Feel confident implementing change in your clinic with Verne Harnish’s well thought out plan of action. Harnish provides you a plan of action complete with tools suitable for any clinic attempting to scale and boost patient satisfaction.
3) The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries
You Will Learn: Everything you need to know about marketing for your health clinic.
With examples from the real world to illustrate, this is a simple and powerful handbook that explains the do’s and don't's in marketing. The 22 laws of common sense marketing will make you rethink how you have been doing marketing for your clinic and allow you to make profitable adjustments to your marketing and positioning strategy. While this book was written in 1994, the principles are timeless and applicable today.
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4) Who: The A Method for Hiring by Geoff Smart
You Will Learn: How to hire the best team members for your clinic.
Chances are that you’ve hired the wrong person a few times at your clinic. It can be a time consuming and costly disappointment when this happens.  Smart reveals how to avoid the time and upset by hiring the right candidate the first time around. He creates a system that will teach you how to interview more effectively and how to motivate the ideal candidate to join your clinic and ensure you hire the best employees for your business. A must read if you ever had a toxic employee at your clinic.
5) Start With Why by Simon Sinek
 You Will Learn: How a great business will inspire patients to choose your clinic.
After reading this energizing and thought provoking book, you will understand that patients don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it. If your patients believe in the 'why', it is much easier to convince them of the 'how' and 'what'. You can achieve much more if we start everything we do by asking 'why.'
6) The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris
You Will Learn: How to maximize both your time and potential.
It's time to get off the depressing routine of too much work and start building something for yourself and your clinic. This book provides an unconventional yet very powerful approach to productivity. Ferris teaches you how to take control of your life and get the freedom to do what you want.
7) Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
You Will Learn: How to deliver exceptional customer service.
A memoir about Zappos owner Tony Hsieh, who at the age of 24 sold his business for $265 million. This book is enlightening and makes you think about “the way we’ve always done it” and to look at things from a new and different perspective. After reading this book, you will get plenty of ideas how to make your clinic an extraordinary business for your staff and patients. A definite must read for those who want to work for more than just money, but a truly lasting purpose.
8) From Good to Great by Jim Collins
You Will Learn: How to achieve greatness in your clinic.
Recommended for any company that wants to not only transform from good to great but to stay around. To survive in this competitive market, companies can’t be just good anymore, they have to be great. Collins will challenge your clinic to strive for greatness rather than being content with mediocrity.
9) How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
You Will Learn: How to get people to like you.
A classic book on timeless principles, with reasons and ways to have healthy relationships.  This is a life changing book with lessons that apply to everyday life, both in and outside of the workplace.  A must read for social self-improvement.
10) The Lean Start-up by Eric Ries
You will Learn: How to test new ideas for your clinic before spending money on implementation.
Although written in the context for a technical start-up, the book has concepts that will help anyone starting a new business. An excellent guide to for any entrepreneur to read before embarking on their journey.  Highly recommended if you are starting a newbie clinic owner or if a fresh outlook for established clinic owners.