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Clinical Solutions Blog

Charlotte Anderson


Charlotte is a registered physiotherapist working in a busy private practice (alphahealthservices.ca) in Toronto. She focuses on orthopaedic rehab and recovery. Charlotte loves skiing and camping. Her favourite food is pineapple :)
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Top 30 Best Selling Products Patients Really Want

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Dec 13, 2016 2:20:13 PM


Meet Charlotte Anderson, physiotherapist and owner of ALPHA Health.

In just 3 short years Charlotte has built a team of multidisciplinary experts and ALPHA is set to soar to even greater heights in the next 12 months to come. Not only has Charlotte been busy building a business, she has also been undergoing a PhD in physiotherapy.

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner of Alpha Health in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Talking to other clinic owners I often hear their resistance to selling products - they feel pushy and they don't think it aligns with healthcare, like it's somehow unethical. I can tell you, as a clinician who actively sells product, this is the wrong way to think because you will be surprised to learn that patients appreciate product recommendations.

The truth is, patients need products to aid in their recovery. If you're not being their most trusted health advisor by making recommendations, they will just go and buy the product elsewhere - maybe even from your competitors!

So I've lined up a list of the top 30 clinic products patients really want (and need). We cover five popular product categories - pain relief, home exercise, bracing and supports, compression therapy, and pillow and lumber supports, including notable features and patient benefits of each product.


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Topics: Product Sales

Top Best Selling Back Support For Office Chairs in 2017

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Sep 28, 2016 2:00:00 PM


As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner of Alpha Health in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Back pain is the number one cause of disability worldwide. It is predicted that 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. With sedentary jobs, poor posture, and most of us spending most of our days sitting, back pain is an issue that continues to be on the rise. Core strengthening, postural education and proper chairs/back support can help minimize your patient's risk of experiencing back pain. 

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 6 best selling back support for the office chairs, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these products so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice.


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Topics: Product Sales

Top 5 Best Selling Foam Roller in 2016

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on May 19, 2016 2:00:00 PM



As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

In a clinical setting, foam rollers are an excellent tool to recommend to assist patients in maintaining the gains they achieve in their treatments. Foam rollers provide a portable self-massage tool that keeps their muscles loose, and increases flexibility. Overall, foam rollers can offer a faster recovery for injuries and issues, which is a goal most patient's happily want to be actively involved in.

That's the thing about offering complete care. Although you may feel pushy selling products, it's not pushy at all if a product makes sense and can help. Essentially patients just want to recover as fast as possible.  Help them be a part of their own recovery and increase their rate of a successful outcome by offering suitable products, by offering complete care.

Your patients will thank you for it. 

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 5 best selling foam rollers, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these products so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice.

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Topics: Product Sales

Top 10 Best Selling ACL Knee Braces in 2016

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Mar 23, 2016 9:37:26 AM

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Knee injuries are fairly common to see in physiotherapy practice, particularly anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries - most commonly tears of the ACL. In fact, according to research there are approximately 100,000 ACL tears in the US occurring annually.

Because the ACL is crucial for stabilizing the knee, it is essential to provide support during recovery. Whether it’s a complete reconstruction of the ACL with surgery, or nonoperative treatment, ACL knee braces can help provide patients with comfort and support they need to continue going about their everyday activities, while at the same time engaging in their recovery protocol.

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 10 best selling ACL knee braces, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these products so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice.

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Topics: Product Sales

Top 10 Best Selling Tens Machines in 2017

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Feb 18, 2016 11:59:05 AM

One of the most highly recommended products that is useful in almost any situation are TENs machines. 

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Because they are beneficial for pain relief they can be used for back pain, neck pain, nerve issues like sciatica, tendonitis, chronic nerve issues, tension headaches, muscle spasms, arthritis, and much more. They really are the type of product you can recommend in many patient situations.

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 10 best tens machines, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these products so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice.

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Topics: Product Sales

2017 Best Selling Hot Packs and Cold Therapy Units

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Jan 19, 2016 2:00:00 PM

When it comes to injuries and pain relief, there really is no better aid than heating and cooling agents. Both have their place and can rapidly influence things like inflammation, swelling, sensory nerve response and so forth.

But what heating and cooling agents are best to recommend to patients?

There are a number of options, each of them are designed for specific applications. So I've compiled a list of the best selling heating and cooling packs and therapy units, along with some of the benefits of each and the types of situations they are best suited to.

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 10 best selling hot packs and cold therapy units, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these products so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice.

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Topics: Product Sales

Top 10 Best Selling Wrist Braces in 2015

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Dec 23, 2015 1:00:00 PM

You recently had a patient attend the clinic with a wrist tendonitis from playing tennis. The frustrating part of it for the client is the fact that she works in a fairly manual job, so the wrist wasn't getting much rest.

You talked about different options for recovery with the patient and the option to stop work wasn't a viable consideration, as is likely the case for many people. So, the thing you agreed upon was a wrist brace to help provide support and restrict the wrist from too much movement during the day.

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

There are many different wrist conditions that can present at your clinic - tendonitis, carpal tunnel, sprains, fractures, finger jams - where the use of wrist and hand support will greatly assist the patients recovery.

But what are the best wrist braces to recommend to patients?

It can be confusing because there are a number of options, but each of them are designed for specific applications. So I've compiled a list of the best selling wrist braces, along with some of the benefits of each and the types of situations they are best suited to.

Use the information so you can provide complete care to your patients.

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Topics: Product Sales

Top 10 Best Selling Back Supports and Braces in 2017

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Nov 18, 2015 2:00:00 PM

I bet you still remember when Wendy came in late last week complaining about her lower back injury. She kept saying how she just needed to feel better quick so she could get back to work!

Sure, you analyzed the situation and figured out the type of injury she had and what could help her get better. But what are you supposed to recommend when Wendy starts asking questions like “Which is the best back support belt for me?”

There are SO many options to choose from and numerous types of braces all for different ailments ... What. Do. You. Recommend?

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 10 best selling back braces, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these back supports so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice.

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Topics: Product Sales

Top 10 Best Selling Shoulder Braces in 2015

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Oct 7, 2015 12:45:44 PM

Remember that one time when just after lunch a patient walked into your clinic for their 1:30pm appointment complaining about their sore and dysfunctioning shoulder? During the weekend they injured their shoulder and now the pain was getting wayyy too unbearable.

Like any good physiotherapist, you assessed the reason behind the pain and found out that the patient desperately needed a supportive brace to help heal the shoulder injury and to help keep it stable. 

“Thanks so much - I’ll get on that asap! But there’s so many braces out there, do you have any recommendations?”

Ummm - that’s a very good point. There are actually so many braces available on the market that picking out just one to help heal an injury can get super confusing!  

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my own practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 10 best selling shoulder braces, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these shoulder supports so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice.  

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Topics: Product Sales

Top 10 Best Selling Ankle Braces in 2017

Posted by Charlotte Anderson on Sep 3, 2015 4:01:00 PM

Remember when your patient came to your clinic with a sprained ankle, complaining about her pain and how badly she wants to play volleyball again.

“Which ankle brace do you recommend for my injury?”

Ermm...good question.

In situations like this, having a variety of ankle supports in stock is super helpful so you can find the perfect fit for your patient. Although that sounds nice - there are over 82 ankle supports on the CSC website so it can get a bit overwhelming. 

Don’t pull your hair out just yet... CSC ran the numbers across top physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy clinics in Canada and have compiled the top 10 best selling ankle braces in 2015 for your patients!

As a registered physiotherapist and clinic owner in Toronto, I treat a variety of patients (sports, wcb, mva, private) and believe in offering complete care at my practice. Offering “complete care” includes recommending helpful advice and products that can boost your patient’s recovery.

Today I want to share my opinion on what I like/don’t like about CSC's top 10 best selling ankle braces, as well as which type of patients are most suited for these ankle supports so we can better help clinicians offer complete care for your practice. 

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Topics: Product Sales

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